
Affichage des articles du octobre, 2021

China in Africa, an alternative narrative

Recently,   China's investments, especially the model "Mining for Infrastructure" contracts  in  Afric a  have been under scrutiny in Ghana and the Democratic Republic of Congo, where their efficiency is called into question. Do African  resource- rich  countries  really benefit from th ese contracts ? From Angola, where it was first implemented in Africa (the Angola model), to Ghana, the Democratic Republic of Congo, and Guinea, this model has often been criticized not only by donors but also by civil society  for the various risks it imposes on recipient countries: debt burden, environment endangerment, lack of transparency, and corruption.   Unfortunately, the “Predatory China” narrative dominates and shapes the framework under which Chinese investments, big or small, are scrutinized. A dangerous and simplistic narrative that tends to oversimplify not only the international context but also the motivations that drive both African countries...